Our Pet Blog

Our latest guides and blog posts about pets

Family coming home through the front door with new puppy
  1. How to weigh your dog or cat

    Learn all you need to know about what a healthy weight for cats and dogs is and discover simple ways to weigh your pet at home

  2. Tips for a pet-safe barbecue

    Summer is the time for BBQs, but they can pose potential risks to our furry friends. We have some quick and easy tips to help keep your BBQ pet-safe

  3. Why Do Dogs Wag Their Tails?

    A dog wagging it’s tail can be a sign of happiness or even a method of communication – but how can you tell the difference? Find out in our blog post.

  4. Why Do Dogs Shake?

    Noticing your dog shaking can obviously be quite worrying so it could be a good idea to see a vet if your dog is shaking a lot.

  5. Why Do Dogs Howl?

    Howling is just another form of communication for your four-legged friends, but there can sometimes be other reasons behind it.

  6. Why Do Cats Sleep So Much?

    Is your cat very sleepy? Find out all you need to know about healthy sleeping habits for your cat in our blog post.

  7. Feline leukaemia virus

    This feline virus can be deadly, so it’s important to know how to keep your cat safe and take everyday safety measures to reduce the risk.

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