Asda Money Featured on Building Financial Resilience

A woman talks to an Asda worker holding some flowers
02 Nov 2021

We’re thrilled to say that we’re part of the new Building Financial Resilience programme, showcasing how Asda Money helps our customers to plan for their financial future.

This special online programme was created by ITN Productions and the Personal Finance Society and takes a look at the importance of financial planning to face the pressures of the pandemic and beyond. We were approached to be involved as a well-known brand who are passionate about supporting our customers to make good financial decisions.

There are always demands on our money, now more than ever, and it can be difficult to plan for the future; whether that’s looking ahead for a few months or a few years.

In our section of the programme we meet Sarah, a nurse from Leeds who’s using the Asda Christmas Savings Card to plan for the future. When the festive season rolls around, there are lots of extra things we have to pay for like food and gifts, and it’s easy to rely on credit at the last minute and deal with the costs later.

Sarah shows us how she’s using the card to put a little money away each time she does an Asda shop, so by the time Christmas comes around she’s financially ready, and even has an extra top-up from Asda.

This gives Sarah peace of mind that Christmas is sorted without relying on credit cards and starting January in with a balance to pay off. It’s just about being financially resilient and following good money habits. 

At Asda Money we want all our customers to be able to make great decisions like this and use our financial products, like this and our School Shop Savings Card, and services to help save time and money.

We’re honoured to be part of this special programme and had such a fun day filming in the Asda Middleton store!

Watch it now below:

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