Jargon buster
Let’s start with language. Things like insurance and finance products can be complex, and there’s quite a lot of jargon involved. So, take some time to read our jargon buster pages to familiarize yourself with what things mean.
Lots of people struggle to understand the ins and outs of their finances. And if you’re unsure about managing your finances or new to managing your money, we know it can look quite daunting. But don’t worry, you’re not alone - we’re here to help.
With us you can forget about all the jargon and tech speak. All the information and support here is designed to make sense, helping you to make the right choices about how you manage your money.
Let’s start with language. Things like insurance and finance products can be complex, and there’s quite a lot of jargon involved. So, take some time to read our jargon buster pages to familiarize yourself with what things mean.
We all have a credit history – some good, some not so good. It’s important to know how your debts and credit history affect your credit score. Having a poor credit record or little credit history can affect your ability to borrow. So, it helps to understand where you might stand when it comes to applying for and repaying any type of credit.
Sometimes it’s hard to keep track of your money. If you’re not sure who you owe money to or how much debt you have, this could become difficult to deal with. You can avoid stressful situations like this by taking some time to find out who you owe and then decide on the best course of action to manage your debt.
People borrow money for many different reasons, from spreading the cost of larger purchases to covering unexpected expenses. Debts come in many forms and lenders have different ways of collecting them if payments fall behind. If your situation has changed, speaking to the people you owe will often help. They may suggest you get free debt advice from a firm like StepChange, Citizens Advice or National Debtline.
If you are struggling with repayments, your lenders may start taking steps to get money from you. There are different ways they will do this depending on the type of debt.