Loan Repayment Calculators

Looking to fund a big purchase? Our collection of personal loan calculators will help you manage your loan term and monthly payments.

Young couple relaxing in new home reviewing financial services on laptop
  1. Personal Loan Calculator

    A personal loan could help you consolidate debts, buy a car, or fund a home renovation project. With our personal loan calculator, you can find out what your monthly repayments might look like and how APR affects what you need to pay back.


  2. Home Improvement Loan Calculator

    A loan of up to £25,000 could allow you to make some big improvements to your home. Discover how the term of the loan, the APR and the amount you borrow affects the monthly repayment that you would need to make for your home improvements.  

    Find out which loans you could be eligible for with our partner Aro and their trusted panel of lenders. Just like Asda Money, Aro is a credit broker, not a lender.

    If you take out a product through Aro, Asda Money will receive a commission payment from Aro. The amount charged will be in connection with the specific product selected and so different amounts of commission are received. For more information please see our FAQs.

    When you check your eligibility below you will be transferred to our partner Aro.

  3. Debt Consolidation Loan Calculator

    You can use a debt consolidation loan to restructure any existing debts into one more manageable monthly repayment. Find out what you may be able to borrow with our debt consolidation loan calculator. You can see what your monthly repayments may be based on the interest rate you could be charged.

    Find out which loans you could be eligible for with our partner Aro and their trusted panel of lenders. Just like Asda Money, Aro is a credit broker, not a lender.

    If you take out a product through Aro, Asda Money will receive a commission payment from Aro. The amount charged will be in connection with the specific product selected and so different amounts of commission are received. For more information please see our FAQs.

    When you check your eligibility below you will be transferred to our partner Aro.

  4. Car Loan Calculator

    Looking to buy a new car with a personal loan? Use our car loan calculator to find out what your monthly repayments may look like and how APR affects what you need to pay back.

    Find out which loans you could be eligible for with our partner Aro and their trusted panel of lenders. Just like Asda Money, Aro is a credit broker, not a lender.

    If you take out a product through Aro, Asda Money will receive a commission payment from Aro. The amount charged will be in connection with the specific product selected and so different amounts of commission are received. For more information please see our FAQs.

    When you check your eligibility below you will be transferred to our partner Aro.

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