Oriental Shorthair

Read our comprehensive guide to Oriental Shorthair Cats, including information on predisposed health issues, exercise needs, family friendliness, grooming, history, overview & temperament.

17 Oct 2023

History of Oriental Shorthair Cats 

Oriental Shorthair cats are a relatively new breed that came about in the 1950s, and was the result of crossing Siamese with other varieties of house cats.

The first Oriental Shorthair cats can be traced back to black hybrids that had both Siamese and non-Siamese ancestry, along with Russian Blues. During this time, Siamese cats were paired with many different breeds to produce lots of unique kittens. Eventually they were all grouped into one single breed: the Oriental Shorthair.


What to expect when caring for your Oriental Shorthair Cat

Common Oriental Shorthair Cat Health Issues

The Oriental Shorthair cat has a lifespan of around 12-15 years but can sometimes live well past that milestone. That being said, they can still suffer from certain health conditions that owners should keep an eye out for:

Amyloidosis - One of the most serious conditions that can affect an Oriental Shorthair is Amyloidosis, which is when amyloid (an abnormal protein) forms deposits in tissues and organs, this can eventually lead for organ failure or death.

Progressive Retinal Atrophy - Another inherited condition affecting Oriental Shorthairs is progressive retinal atrophy, which is a gradual form of vision loss that leads to blindness. Cats with this condition will begin developing symptoms at around 7 months, and completely lose their sight between the ages of 3 and 5.

Oriental Shorthairs may also struggle with obesity and dental issues, so ensure they get plenty of exercise, control their treats intake, brush their teeth regularly and take them for dental exams to ensure they live a happiest and healthiest life possible.

How Much Grooming Do Oriental Shorthair Cats Need?

One of the Oriental Shorthair’s most attractive features is their fine, silky coat which requires very little grooming. Combing or brushing it every week or even every other week is enough to remove dead hair and evenly distribute oils to keep their coat looking healthy.

Oriental Shorthairs need a little extra attention when it comes to their teeth as they are prone to developing dental problems, so owners should brush their cats teeth with pet-safe toothpaste and a brush every so often.

How Much Exercise Do Oriental Shorthair Cats Need?

Oriental Shorthair cats will most likely get majority of the exercise they require on their own as they are quite active and playful, but they will welcome any time spent together playing games and exercising to stay active.

Oriental Shorthair cats can be prone to obesity, so it’s important for owners to keep an eye on them and make sure they stay active and give them lots of playtime to keep them happy and healthy.

  1. Oriental Shorthair Cat Personality Traits

    What to expect from your Oriental Shorthair Cat

    Oriental Shorthair cats are known for being very chatty and talkative and have a rather unusual cry that’s often referred to as a honk. They’re also very social animals and love to be around families and other pets too, especially other cats. Oriental Shorthair cats are very intelligent felines and can even be trained to do things like walk on a lead. These cats are highly affectionate and have often been described as Velcro kitties, due to how snuggly and clingy they can be with their family. They expect the same attention and energy back too from their favourite humans, and tend to get very attached, so you can expect them to follow you around everywhere in the home.

  2. Are Oriental Shorthair Cats Family Friendly?

    How will they behave around my family?

    As mentioned above, Oriental Shorthair cats are very affectionate and get easily attached to their family members. They make great family pets and love to have family and friends around them to play and explore. Oriental Shorthair cats need constant stimulation and playtime, so they thrive best in big families who are active and will have time to spend playing with their pets. They’re social butterflies, and are very friendly with everyone, including children and other cats and dogs.

Key Facts Summary
9-11 inches
8-12 pounds
Sociable, affectionate, intelligent
12-15 Years
Average Cost:

Oriental Shorthair Cat FAQs:

Where exactly do Oriental Shorthair cats originate from?

It’s difficult to pinpoint the exact origins of an Oriental Shorthair cat, but they are basically the offspring of a Siamese cat that has been bred with another cat – commonly Russian Blues, Abyssinians, American Shorthairs or the Polycat.

How many colours do Oriental Shorthair cats come in?

Oriental Shorthair cats come in a very wide range of colours. In fact, they come in more variations than any other breed with more than 300 colours and patterns recorded in them. This is due to the many different cat breeds their ancestors were crossed with.

There are a number of common health issues that Oriental Shorthair Cats are prone to, and as a pet owner it’s worth considering insurance to help protect against unexpected vet bills. Take a look at Asda Money Pet Insurance to see the kind of cover you could get for your cat.

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