Savannah Cat

Read our comprehensive guide to Savannah Cats, including information on predisposed health issues, exercise needs, family friendliness, grooming, history, overview & temperament.

17 Oct 2023

History of Savannah Cats 

Originally from the United States, Savannah cats were developed in the 1980s. Firstly being conceived when a male wild African serval cat was crossed with a domestic Siamese cat. This led to the Savannah Cat, a striking and wild looking tall, slim and incredibly long-legged cat with a distinct, gorgeous spotted coat.

As expected, it didn’t take long for breeders to see the potential of this uniquely beautiful cat and so over the decades, the numbers of Savannah cats have gone up significantly as more and more are bred. In 2001, Savannah Cats were recognised as an official breed by the International Cat Association.

What to expect when caring for your Savannah Cat

Common Savannah Cat Health Issues

Savannahs are generally healthy cats, but they can be prone to certain health conditions. As a Savannah cat owner, these are the health conditions you may come across:

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: this is a condition in which the heart muscle thickens

Feline leukaemia virus: this is one of the most common and deadly conditions affecting cats, a virus that affects the immune system and can cause vulnerability to other infections.

Gastroenteritis: this is an irritation of the stomach and the intestines and usually results in vomiting and diarrhoea.

Giardia: this is an intestinal parasite that often causes diarrhoea, vomiting and weight loss. It is highly contagious.

Cystitis: this is a condition which causes inflammation in the urinary bladder.

As Savannah cats are produced from various domestic cat crossbreeds, it’s unclear at this moment in time whether or not they are prone to any inherited diseases and conditions.

How Much Grooming Do Savannah Cats Need?

Savannah cats tend to groom themselves mostly, but they will need to be trained to get themselves into the habit of self grooming regularly. They tend to shed a lot less than other cats so grooming needs will be less. They are quite active and playful so they’re also more likely to get into a mess and may require a bath more often. Surprisingly though, Savannah cats love water unlike many other cats.

It’s important to keep on top of their grooming regardless of how messy or not they get as it will help to avoid fleas and parasites.

How Much Exercise Do Savannah Cats Need?

Savannah cats are generally quite active and athletic, so they are pretty good at keeping their energy levels up. However, all pets regardless of their physical activity require regular exercise to ensure they remain healthy and stimulated. As Savannahs are quite playful, they may get bored easily in quiet settings and develop mental or physical issues, so it’s important for owners to ensure they get some exercise in alongside their regular play schedule.

  1. Savannah Cat Personality Traits

    What to expect from your Savannah Cat

    The Savannah cat is quite an athletic and active feline, so if you’re looking for a lazy pet that will sit by idly as you get on with your daily tasks, the Savannah cat may not be the best choice. Savannah cats love new challenges and enjoy exploring, but they don’t enjoy sitting still. For this reason, Savannah cats are often said to be more like dogs than cats. You can expect them to accompany you as you perform your daily tasks to the point where it may even get annoying – savannahs are the type to jump into the bathtub with you without any hesitation and leap onto the top of your kitchen surfaces as you prepare for dinner. Savannah cats are also incredibly loyal, so you can expect them to follow you around the house no matter what you do – they’ve actually earned themselves the nickname “Velcro kitties”.

  2. Are Savannah Cats Family Friendly?

    How will they behave around my family?

    Savannah cats are very loyal pets, and tend to follow their favourite humans around for companionship. However, it is still important to socialise them as they can become very suspicious of strangers. Once they get to know you however, you can expect their constant companionship and presence as you go about your daily tasks. They are known to be great family pets, as they have a lot of energy and so thrive best surrounded by people.

Key Facts Summary
17 inches
25 pounds
Playful, adventurous and loyal
12-20 Years
Average Cost:

Savannah Cat FAQs:

Why are Savannah cats so expensive?

Savannah cats are expensive because they are hard to breed, and they are also very costly to breed. Plus, they require a special diet consisting of both wet and dry food especially meat, which can be pricey.

Do Savannah cats get along well with other pets?

Savannah cats are very loyal and affectionate so you can expect them to get along well with other pets once they have gotten to know them.

Are Savannah cats wild or domestic?

Savannah cats are domestic cats – it’s easy to assume they are wild cats because of how they look, but they actually eat, sleep and use the litterbox like any other domestic cat.

There are a number of common health issues that Savannah Cats are prone to, and as a pet owner it’s worth considering insurance to help protect against unexpected vet bills. Take a look at Asda Money Cat Insurance to see the kind of cover you could get for your cat.

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