Home Start Breakdown Cover
If you break down at home, home start breakdown cover will get your car back up and running at your home address.
Asda Money offers breakdown cover via our trusted partner LV= Britannia Rescue. You can choose from three levels of cover: roadside cover, UK breakdown cover, and European breakdown cover. Both UK breakdown cover and European breakdown cover include Home Start as standard.

What is Home Start Breakdown Cover?
Home start breakdown cover –often called home assist – covers you if you break down at home or close by (usually within a quarter of a mile of your home address).
With home start included as part of your cover, it means you can get help wherever you break down. Whether that’s outside your house or during your trip.
How does Home Start Cover work?
Home start cover works just like standard breakdown cover, but you’ll also be covered if you break down at home or close by.
If you have home start cover in place, a qualified mechanic will come to your home to get your car fixed and back up and running. And if they can’t fix it there and then, they’ll arrange for your car to be towed to a local garage for repairs.
If you don’t have home start included in your policy, you won’t be covered if you break down at home. This means you’ll have to pay for the repairs yourself.
What does Home Start Cover include?
Home start cover includes:
- 24-hour professional breakdown assistance at home or within half a mile of your home address
- Unlimited callouts
- Towing to a local garage if your car can’t be fixed at your home address
- Flat batteries
- Engine issues
- Issues including misfuelling, flat tyres or lost car keys
Home start cover doesn’t include:
- Fuel or spare parts to get your car back up and running
- A breakdown within 24 hours of taking the cover out
- Breakdowns reported more than 24 hours after you become aware of the issue
- Continued failure to fuel or recharge your vehicle
- A repeat breakdown within 28 days of your car being attended for the same issue
What should I do if I break down at home?
Whether or not you have home start cover, you should always do the following if you break down at home:
Check your fuel
One of the biggest reasons for cars not starting at home is that they’re out of fuel. Always check this first. If that’s the case, you’ll need to either walk, get a lift, or take a taxi to your local petrol station to fill up a petrol can.
Check for any warning lights
Look at your car’s dashboard to see if any warning lights are flashing. If there are, your car owner’s manual will help you understand what the issue may be.
Try a jump-start
If your car won’t start at home, it may be down to a flat battery. You can try jump-starting it using jump leads from a car with a full battery. It’s then a good idea to take it to your local garage to get it checked out to see if there are any other underlying issues.
Try your spare key
Simple things like a flat battery in your key fob can mean your car won’t start. Trying the spare key could get it back up and running quickly.
Listen for strange sounds
A grinding or rattling sound when you turn on the ignition could indicate a problem that needs repairing quickly.
Call a breakdown service
If you can’t get it up and running with the above steps, the best approach is to get in touch with a professional mechanic. They’ll be able to check out your car at your home. You’ll be covered for this if you have home start included in your breakdown policy.
Is Home Start Breakdown Cover worth it?
With home start breakdown cover in place, you’ll have the peace of mind of knowing that you’ll be covered even if your car breaks down at home and not out on the road.
The cost of paying a mechanic to come and fix your car at home can be expensive. Plus home start breakdown cover also covers you for things like misfuelling, flat tyres and lost keys.
Home Start Breakdown Cover FAQs
- Does breakdown cover include home start?
Not all breakdown cover policies include home start as standard. At Asda Money, both UK breakdown cover and European breakdown cover include home start breakdown cover.
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